Maturity Assessment

The Maturity Assessment is an interactive experience that consists of 14 questions with 5 choices per question. The assessment shows a progress bar providing users with knowledge of how many questions they have completed and how many they have outstanding. When the assessment is completed, and the form is ungated, the result page displaying an image of where the user ranks, their result type, and the opportunity to retake the assessment are available. Additionally, resources are also accessible now.






Sales Enablement

Features available

Here are the major features, abilities, and interactive elements used in this template.


Flow will allow you to build step-based interactive elements, such as Tabs, Accordions, and other elements, with great customizability. Use cases and examples of it's power are the abiltiy to create a carousel of images all the way to a one page assessment that presents one question at a time.


Form will allow you to build simple to complex forms that contain different types of inputs and toggles, and can be combined with rules to create logic based results. Use cases for a Form are quizzes, assessments, calcuators, and traditional forms.


Animation will allow you to animate elements via microthemes. A use case for this would be to have a section fade up and in to a page via scroll.

Feature 5

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce eleifend erat at augue bibendum facilisis nec a odio. Nulla facilisi. Ut nec nulla gravida, egestas lacus ac, laoreet sapien. Mauris at augue orci. Pellentesque non egestas elit. Sed consequat ex sem, cursus facilisis felis semper pharetra. Ut tempus nec metus nec laoreet.

How-to use

Here is a helpful guide on how to handle all the major features, abilities, and interactive elements available to make the most out of this template.

If the number of questions is less than 14, flow steps will have to be removed and the behavior for the last question will have to change.


Remove the behavior on the Next button by navigating to the Behavior panel, select the garbage can icon and remove the Move to Step > Next.

Navigate to the +Actions and set the navigation to the result page. Don’t forget to add a tag for behavioral tracking.
If the number of questions is greater than 14, flow steps will have to be added by dragging in a flow step component or by copy and pasting an existing one.
Select the Get the results > button on question 14, navigate to the +Actions panel, and  remove the action using the trash can icon.
Navigate to the +Behaviors panel, under Behaviors in Flow, select Next.

Copy the row that the choice lives within into the Responsive Grid.

Update the copy and Data Value.

To change the styling of the progress bar select the Flow. Navigate to the Micro-Themes panel, under Others select the Flow from the dropdown.

In the second dropdown you can adjust the navigation style, color, and alignment. You can also choose how you want the flow steps to move from one question to the next and back by selecting any of the All Steps items.

Navigate to the Forms component, and drag in the desired form input into the column where the other form fields live within.

Update the label copy.

Select the form input (i.e. Textbox), navigate to the Variables panel. Adjust the input type, check required if the form field is mandatory, select a unique data field, and expand the Pre-Populated Value to set placeholder text.

Select the container that contains the image and navigate to the background panel. Open the Background Image by selecting the image, select <reselect image on the top right corner of the editor, and select Add Images on the top right to upload a different image.

To Increase the height of the image container, select the container the image lives within. Navigate to the Layout panel, under Width and Height, adjust the height value. The greater the value the longer the resource image container will be.

Logic template

Here is the logic’s template and quick video tour to make it easier for you when handling this template, from overviewing the rules, to understanding the formulas, to editing the logic or equations as necessary.
Preview Logic TemplateOpens in a new window.Watch Logic Video TourOpens in a new window.

Content structure

Here is the content structure’s template to make it easier for you when providing content guidelines or creating the copy for this template, from understanding the content structure to getting to know the amount of words needed to each text piece.
Preview Content Writing TemplateOpens in a new window.

Best practices

Be sure to tag everything that is "taggable" so that you are able to review everything at a later time in your reports.


Your conversion point is the most important measurement in determining whether your creative is converting visitors. We recommend having one conversion point per creative. Here is the element and methods in which to set your conversions:


Before going live with your experience, you want to run a final proofing process. This will review the experience as a whole, with any final revisions necessary. Here is the most important items to be reviewed before GoLive:

  • Review of any integrations
  • Review of conversion point
  • Review of tagging
  • External links are working correctly (opening in a new window)
  • Mark respondents as always new if used for conference or live event
  • Uncheck the robot meta directives (no archive, no follow, no index)
  • Remove path description (if applicable)
  • Make sure traffic source has been added to social share — og URL, twitter (create, email share
  • Once live, debug on Facebook (if applicable)

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Have a question?

Still have questions or are facing troubles when handling this template? Please do not hesitate to send any additional questions, so we can make sure to have this page constantly up to date.