Content Marketing ROI Calculator

Do you know if your investments in content marketing are really bringing results for your company? Use this calculator to see how much you are getting from your content marketing efforts.
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The benefits of calculating your business investments

Better Measure of Profitability

ROI encourages managers to make optimum use of assets,as their performance will be judged in terms of how they have utilized assets to earn profit. 

Comparative Analysis

ROI is a good measure because it can be easily compared with the related cost of capital to decide the selection of investment opportunities.

Monitor your progress

It helps investors to monitor the process towards setting investment objectives with a view to either modify the objectives or modify the strategies to get to the objectives.

Calculate the ROI of Interactive Content

Interactive content is great to differentiate your business and to gather insightful data about your audience. But how can you measure the efficiency of your investments in interactive content? In this article we explain how you can do it.
Learn more