We live in an unequal society and it is up to the job market to try to reverse this scenario. How? Through a more incisive action on the part of businesses, positioning themselves as workplaces that encourage the constant exchange of opinions, beliefs and positions.
Understand how Diversity and Inclusion should be worked on.
They need to focus on building a more humanized and close relationship with their employees, and this directly involves understanding the needs of each individual.
Whether we're talking about women, people of color or people with disabilities, everyone must be heard to ensure that your company is even more diverse and inclusive.
Knowing and becoming familiar with the concepts of Diversity and Inclusion is essential for companies that want to build more democratic and efficient work environments.
Did you know that 7 out of 10 unemployed in Brazil are black? The reason for this goes back a long time, and today, it is important to find ways to encourage an end to this racial imbalance that exists in the workplace and in society at large.
72% of the unemployed in Brazil are black people, which shows an imbalance in the opportunities offered in the job market.
72% of the unemployed in Brazil are black people, which shows an imbalance in the opportunities offered in the job market.
Less than 30% of leaders in Brazil are black, which shows the difficulty in overcoming the challenges imposed by society along this journey.
Less than 30% of leaders in Brazil are black, which shows the difficulty in overcoming the challenges imposed by society along this journey.
The management positions are also little occupied by blacks, with a rate of only 0.7%, reinforcing structural racism.
The management positions are also little occupied by blacks, with a rate of only 0.7%, reinforcing structural racism.
Another Diversity and Inclusion challenge is related to LGBT professionals. The maturing process of society also needs to be accompanied by a change in how the hiring process is carried out and even the inclusion in that company.
Challenges in encouraging inclusion among professionals
Women also play an important role in the development of Diversity and Inclusion best practices. And a lot of this goes through the offer of positions, salaries and work opportunities in a fair way, balancing the current scenario.
Say they have been discriminated against because of their sexual orientation or gender identity in the workplace.
Of Brazilian companies would not hire LGBT people for leadership positions.
managed to take
language courses
have completed
higher education
not even attended school
live in households with at least one of five inadequacies
among the population below the poverty line
of the population who live on the minimum wage
earns, on average, less than white professionals
earn less from the same social background as whites
of the unemployment population
Making professionals feel comfortable in the work environment is fundamental.
workers with disabilities
have reported a lack
of opportunity
But this is not restricted to the place they sit or the structure offered. It is necessary to think about the ones who have the most difficulty: the PwD professionals.
People with disabilities must have all the infrastructure to work without major problems and independently.
A plural framework means more opinions and versions being heard, which directly contributes to the development of unique and even more efficient ideas.