To understand if the investment in a CRM tool is within your budget, here is a calculator to discover how much it will cost according to your needs. Take this chance to measure and get insights into the return your business will receive with this investment according to the plan chosen.
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It is also an essential asset for the collection and analysis of data, gaining insights for potential initiatives and improvements.
A CRM software can be simpler or more complex, according to the business needs, meaning that prices may vary due to the complexity and features requested.
Having a CRM software will keep all your customers’ information in one place. This is extremely important to keep marketing, sales, and customer service aligned, making it a lot easier to understand what is going on in the company.
80% of sales need around 5 follow-ups to complete. This data shows the importance of always keeping an eye on the customer. The CRM will help in tracking and giving the resources needed to efficiently communicate with these people.
As a CRM gathers much information regarding audience and customer behavior, it also helps with planning a smarter strategic plan. Having contacts and purchase history, team performances, and many other data, will give you the perfect insights to develop a well-designed strategic plan!
It makes it possible to track metrics at any time and find specific combinations of data, like seeing how much a sales representative performed in the last month or week. This is just an example of how you are able to track your numbers within CRM software.
At this point, you probably know that CRMs help in creating solid communication with customers. This means that the better your relationship with your contacts, the higher the chances of doing business with them and selling more than just one solution.
The CRM platform will keep your communication well aligned throughout the business organization, resulting in a consistent brand structure. At the same time, customer service will have plenty of useful information and tools to do their best for your business, increasing the chances of having current customers as advocates for your brand.