Professional Services Catalog

Bringing years of experience in helping brands build high-quality content and digital marketing programs, our mission is to enable scalable growth via highly specialized, in-staff services. Whether you need a partner to guide your ongoing marketing program or are looking for a team of experts to provide on-demand strategic support, we’re ready to help.

Clarity on the end result

Technical excellence

Agile delivery

Clarity on the end result

Our straightforward project portfolio seeks to bring clarity on what you can expect from each project, guaranteeing you'll know what you get at each delivery.


Technical excellence

Count on our team of digital marketers, web developers and designers to provide you with world-class strategic guidance and support.


Agile delivery

Our scalable and agile processes, managed by our project managers, ensure projects will be completed on time.


Expert Services acts as an extension of your in-house marketing team

Create premium content and digital strategies at scale by combining our best-in-class products.

Choose your product

Expert projects built with Ion

We deliver high performing interactive experiences and our interactive content programs are focused on achieving your content goals.

Choose your solution

Standard Interactive Experience

Creation of an interactive experience based on a Standard Quick Start — a low-to-intermediate complexity level template. Typically content-driven experiences such as eBooks, Infographics, Landing Pages, Microsites, Product Tours, and the like.

What will you be able to with this project

  • Make interactive content marketing a reality through a fully-managed program from concept-to-completion and a readily expert team to execute
  • Have in hand an interactive experience ready to outset your interactive content journey and generate brand awareness, engagement, conversion, or sales increase

What is included in this project

  • 1 interactive wireframe
  • 1 interactive experience
    • Up to 2.000 words copy
    • Up to 15 images
    • Up to 3 interactivity points
    • 1 lead-gen form on the page
    • 1 conversion point
  • 1 Snapshot Report
  • 2 rounds of consolidated revisions
    • 1st following delivery of the wireframe
    • 2nd before experience launching

*Client must provide the finalized logic, copy, and imagery.

What about interactive calculators

In case your content ideation does not suit the default scope of work of the Standard tier highlighted below, please request an estimate. On the front end, a calculator can look very simple, yet on the backend, dozens of calculations can be happening in order to display a proper result. Inputting calculations into Ion requires creating rules for each calculation and this will potentially land your project to be a Custom Interactive Experience. If so, please make sure to get a custom quote for your project.

Standard Interactive Experience


Interactive assessment created based on a template from Standard Quick Start library, including up to 8 questions with up to 4 choices each, and up to 4 diferent results. Includes 2 rounds of consolidated revisions. Logic must be provided by the client and copy should be no longer than 2k words.

See example

Standard Interactive Experience


Interactive calculator created based on a template from Standard Quick Start library, including up to 3 user inputs and up to 3 simple calculations. Includes 2 rounds of consolidated revisions. Logic must be provided by the client and copy should be no longer than 2k words.

See example

Standard Interactive Experience

Content Hub

Interactive content hub created based on a template from Standard Quick Start library with up to 30% of customization, including up to 12 downloadable or linkable assets, pieces of content, files, external pages, or the like. Includes 2 rounds of consolidated revisions and copy should be no longer than 2k words.

See example

Standard Interactive Experience


Interactive eBook created based on a template from Standard Quick Start library, including up to 6 chapters with up to 1 interactivity point per chapter. Includes 2 rounds of consolidated revisions. Navigation between chapters is optional and copy should be no longer than 2k words.

See example

Standard Interactive Experience


Interactive infographic created based on a template from Standard Quick Start library, including up to 6 sections with up to 1 interactivity point per section. Includes 2 rounds of consolidated revisions. Navigation between sections is optional and copy should be no longer than 2k words.

See example

Standard Interactive Experience

Landing Page

Interactive landing page created based on a template from Standard Quick Start library, including up to 3 sections with up to 1 interactivity point per section. Includes 2 rounds of consolidated revisions, a Thank You page, and up to 3 downloadable assets. Copy should be no longer than 2k words.

See example

Standard Interactive Experience


Interactive microsite created based on a template from Standard Quick Start library, including up to 3 interior content pages with up to 5 downloadable assets. Includes 2 rounds of consolidated revisions and copy should be no longer than 2k words.

See example

Standard Interactive Experience


Interactive quiz created based on a template from Standard Quick Start library, including up to 8 questions with up to 4 choices each, and up to 4 different results. Includes 2 rounds of consolidated revisions. Logic must be provided by the client and copy should be no longer than 2k words.

See example

Standard Interactive Experience

Solution Finder

Interactive solution finder created based on a template from Standard Quick Start library, including up to 8 questions with up to 4 choices each, and up to 4 different solutions. Includes 2 rounds of consolidated revisions. Logic must be provided by the client and copy should be no longer than 2k words.

See example

Standard Interactive Experience

White Paper

Interactive White Paper created based on a template from Standard Quick Start library, including up to 6 chapters or sections with up to 1 interactivity point per chapter. Includes 2 rounds of consolidated revisions. Navigation between chapters or sections is optional and copy should be no longer than 2k words.

See example

General information about this project you need to know


Average project duration

31 business days


Full price

7,500 USD


Support available in

en / es / pt

Meet the Standard Library

Every Standard Interactive Experience creation comes into existence from the Standard Quick Start Library — a built-in collection of prefabricated low-to-intermediate complexity level templates. As a final result, you can expect the experience to look 70% like the model, with 30% dedicated to fit content and visual identity.
Check out Quick Start library

Premium Interactive Experience

Creation of an interactive experience based on a Premium Quick Start — an advanced-to-expert complexity level template. Typically logic-based experiences such as assessments, calculators, configurators, quizzes, solution finders, and the like.

What will you be able to with this project

  • Make interactive content marketing a reality through a fully-managed program from concept-to-completion and a readily expert team to execute.
  • Have in hand an interactive experience ready to outset your interactive content journey and generate brand awareness, engagement, conversion, or sales increase.

What is included in this project

  • 1 interactive wireframe
  • 1 interactive experience
    • 1 interactive experience*
    • Up to 3.000 words copy
    • Up to 30 images
    • Up to 5 interactivity points
    • 1 lead-gen form on the page
    • 1 conversion point
  • 1 Snapshot Report
  • 2 rounds of consolidated revisions
    • 1st following delivery of the wireframe
    • 2nd before experience launching

*Client must provide the finalized logic, copy, and imagery.

What about interactive calculators

In case your content ideation does not suit the default scope of work of the Standard tier highlighted below, please request an estimate. On the front end, a calculator can look very simple, yet on the backend, dozens of calculations can be happening in order to display a proper result. Inputting calculations into Ion requires creating rules for each calculation and this will potentially land your project to be a Custom Interactive Experience. If so, please make sure to get a custom quote for your project.

Premium Interactive Experience


Interactive assessment created based on a template from Premium Quick Start library, including up to 8 questions with up to 4 choices each, and up to 4 diferent results. Includes 2 rounds of consolidated revisions. Logic must be provided by the client and copy should be no longer than 2k words.

See example

Premium Interactive Experience


Interactive calculator created based on a template from Premium Quick Start library, including up to 5 user inputs and up to 5 simple calculations. Includes 2 rounds of consolidated revisions. Logic must be provided by the client and copy should be no longer than 2k words.

See example

Premium Interactive Experience

Content Hub

Interactive content hub created based on a template from Premium Quick Start library with up to 30% of customization, including up to 24 downloadable or linkable assets, pieces of content, files, external pages, or the like. Includes 2 rounds of consolidated revisions and copy should be no longer than 2k words.

See example

Premium Interactive Experience


Interactive eBook created based on a template from Premium Quick Start library, including up to 8 chapters with up to 1 interactivity point per chapter. Includes 2 rounds of consolidated revisions. Navigation between chapters is optional and copy should be no longer than 2k words.

See example

Premium Interactive Experience


Interactive infographic created based on a template from Premium Quick Start library, including up to 8 sections with up to 1 interactivity point per section. Includes 2 rounds of consolidated revisions. Navigation between sections is optional and copy should be no longer than 2k words.

See example

Premium Interactive Experience

Landing Page

Interactive landing page created based on a template from Premium Quick Start library, including up to 5 sections with up to 1 interactivity point per section. Includes 2 rounds of consolidated revisions, a Thank You page, and up to 5 downloadable assets. Copy should be no longer than 2k words.

See example

Premium Interactive Experience


Interactive microsite created based on a template from Premium Quick Start library, including up to 5 interior content pages with up to 10 downloadable assets. Includes 2 rounds of consolidated revisions and copy should be no longer than 2k words.

See example

Premium Interactive Experience


Interactive quiz created based on a template from Premium Quick Start library, including up to 12 questions with up to 6 choices each, and up to 6 different results. Includes 2 rounds of consolidated revisions. Logic must be provided by the client and copy should be no longer than 2k words.

See example

Premium Interactive Experience

Solution Finder

Interactive solution finder created based on a template from Premium Quick Start library, including up to 12 questions with up to 6 choices each, and up to 6 different solutions. Includes 2 rounds of consolidated revisions. Logic must be provided by the client and copy should be no longer than 2k words.

See example

Premium Interactive Experience

White Paper

Interactive White Paper created based on a template from Premium Quick Start library, including up to 8 chapters or serctions with up to 1 interactivity point per chapter. Includes 2 rounds of consolidated revisions. Navigation between chapters or sections is optional and copy should be no longer than 2k words.

See example

General information about this project you need to know


Average project duration

35 business days


Full price

10,000 USD


Support available in

en / es / pt

Meet the Premium Library

Every Premium Interactive Experience creation comes into existence from the Premium Quick Start Library — a built-in collection of prefabricated advanced-to-expert complexity level templates. As a final result, you can expect the experience to look 70% like the model, with 30% dedicated to fit content and visual identity.
Check out Quick Start library

Custom Interactive Experience

Creation of a custom interactive experience that will be tailor-made to your needs and expectations. From content size to an additional revision round, to unique features and interactive elements, every item of project execution will be personalized based on information and assets provided. Depending on the functionality desired for the experience, additional technical services will be included to the custom quote.

What will you be able to with this project

  • Supply your needs and expectations in its entirety whenever Standard and Premium pre-scoped tiers are not sufficient to attend all requirements, customizations and possibilities desired.

What is the base scope of this project

A custom interactive experience is created based on a template from Quick Start library with additional customizations previously selected from add-ons catalog. By default, it already includes a discovery call, a technical feasibility review and a custom quote. Scope and timeline will be also custom based on previous steps and technical services will be included to the estimate if applicable.

Examples of custom experiences we could create for you

General information about this project you need to know


Average project duration

Get a quote


Full price

Get a quote


Support available in

en / es / pt

Meet Ion project's add-ons

Count on a wide range of add-ons from the Ion catalog to amplify your project and make your interactive experience as enriched as possible. From content size to an additional revision round, to unique features, rely on several additional customizations available to make your interactive experience stand out.
See add-ons catalog


Creation of an iterative version of an exciting interactive content experience, including edits based on copy translation, minor design changes such as colors and imagery, and placement of call-to-actions or forms throughout the experience.

What will you be able to with this project

  • Have in hand a duplicated version of an existing interactive experience to implement predefined adjustments such as copy translations, minor design and imagery changes, forms, and call-to-action replacements.

What is included in this project

  • 1 duplicated interactive experience strictly following the same structure, layout, and functionality of an existing version
  • 1 single round of consolidated revisions

Examples of iterations we could handle for you

General information about this project you need to know


Average project duration

17 business days


Full price

1,625 USD


Support available in

en / es / pt

Meet the Quick Start Library

Isn’t what you have in mind still? Please feel free to check out the full Quick Start library to find the best template to suit your strategy and see some pretty good customer examples that will definitely inspire you.
Get inspired

Ion Theme

Development of a custom Ion theme to be utilized with point-and-click ease to scale the creation of interactive experiences.

What will you be able to with this project

  • Control the look and feel of an interactive experience within the Ion platform with point-and-click ease and code-free abilities

What is included in this project

  • Up to 8 colors and button types
  • Up to 6 logo files and 6 link styles
  • Up to 4 fonts*, with up to 3 styles/weight each
  • Up to 2 header stylings
  • 2 footer stylings
  • 2 navigation styles
  • 2 accordion styles
  • 2 tab styles
  • 1 form styling
  • 1 flow navigation styling
  • 1 round of design revisions to the theme elements

*Fonts must be provided as web font files (EOT, WOFF, SVG, or TTF) or as a third-party hosted font (such as Google Fonts or Typekit).

Examples of branded themes we could develop for you

General information about this project you need to know


Average project duration

16 business days


Full price

1,500 USD


Support available in

en / es / pt

Meet the power of Ion Themes

Keep your branding guidelines consistent was never that easy with branded themes developed exclusively for Ion. Through a point-and-click ease approach, you will scale the look-and-feel of your interactive experiences creation without a single line of code.
See Ion platform capabilities

Add-ons Catalog

Catalog of most common additional customizations to make your interactive experience as personalized as possible, ranging from interactive elements, to content size, to unique features. Whether it is an extra revision round, or a few more questions and results, or more words and imagery to your content, or a logic update, we got it covered to make your experience shine.


Blurred results

Adds a blur to the results page (or partially) before the user passes through the gate.



Adds an interactive checklist with up to 10 list elements to an interactive experience. Copy should be no longer than 200 words.


Content page

Adds up to 1 additional content page or chapter to an interactive experience, including up to 1 interactivity point within the page. Includes one single round of revision and copy should be no longer than 500 words.


Content strategy

Includes a template-based document containing up to 1 recommendation to turn a static piece of content into interactive, overall content ideation and which Quick Start to use. Includes one single round of revision.


Copy creation

Includes up to 1 piece of copy with up to 2.000 words to be produced by Rock Content’s talent network. Includes one single round of revision.


Copy extension

Adds up to 500 words of copy to an interactive experience.


Downloadable asset

Adds up to 1 file (PDF or the like) for downloading to an interactive experience.


Dynamic chart

Adds up to 1 dynamic bar chart to an interactive experience.


Email template

Includes the development of an email template based on interactive experience design, covering up to 10 pieces of dynamic content. Includes one single round of revision.



Adds up to 1 gate to an interactive experience, providing just a certain part of content and requiring the user to fill out a form to unlock.



Adds up to 1 procedure to fulfill a final quality assurance process before the experience goes live, including tests in browsers, social sharing, and logic.


Image gallery

Adds an imagery gallery with up to 10 images that show a larger version on click to an interactive experience.


Image sourcing

Includes sourcing and providing up to 15 images from GettyImages stock library.


Logic revision

Adds up to 1 additional round of revisions to the logic with no more than 20% of logic changed.



Includes a mockup to showcase interactive experience design proposal and convey strategy, with up to 3 layouted pages. File will be provided as a PDF or Adobe XD or the like. Includes one single round of revision.

Meet Technical Services

Looking for taking your project a little further than the add-ons available? Maybe going a little beyond the current platform capabilities is exactly what your interactive experience needs to stand out? Please request a feasibility review to your sales representative to confirm if the funccionality expected could be a tailor-made feature by our technical developers.
See Ion platform capabilities
Choose your product

Expert projects built with Stage

Technical services to secure performance, agility and security of your business site.

Choose your solution

Hosting Migration

Migration and optimization of a WordPress* website to Stage to enhance efficiency, speed and high performance.

*If the CMS is not WordPress, please request a custom-scope quote to check feasibility.

What will you be able to with this project

  • Boost the results of your digital marketing strategy by securing higher speed, performance, and security
  • Increase conversions and track results through the Premium version of the Rock Convert plugin
  • Enhance your website’s security and reliability for users browsing it (SSL Certificate)
  • Distribute your site to 45 servers worldwide, guaranteeing a good experience for users, regardless of where they are

What is included in this project

  • Transfer current website structure to Stage
  • Migration from Wordpress version 4.5 and up. 
  • Migration of up to 100 existing pages/article posts
  • Implement content redirect (ad hoc)
  • Optimize speed and performance of the website post-migration
  • Run one single round of consolidated revisions before domain pointing
  • Integrate with MailChimp, RD Station, or HubSpot
  • Install Rock Convert plugin (Premium version)
  • Provide technical support to point the domain to Stage (ad hoc)

General information about this project you need to know


Average project duration

21 business days


Full price

4,000 USD


Support available in

en / pt

Content Hub

Creation and development of a template-based and custom branded WordPress hub to host a content marketing strategy.

What will you be able to with this project

  • Publish and promote your curated content around topics that interest your target personas
  • Attract visitors and grow your site traffic while generating a positive brand perception and authority
  • Convert your engaged visitors into qualified leads and guide them through the buying journey
  • Improve your SEO and increase your organic traffic

What is included in this project

  • 2-3 concept design options
  • Custom theme built from the ground up
  • Web designer custom tailors the design to your brand needs 
  • Creation of up to 5 different page templates/types 
  • Creation of minor copy (ad hoc)
  • Installation and configuration of up to 5 plugins including Yoast SEO,
  • Google Analytics, WP Rocket, and provided 3rd party plugins for conversion
  • Auto-installation of our marketing plugins such as Rock Convert, Rock Content, and Rock Analytics
  • Provide technical support to point the domain to Stage 
  • Mobile responsiveness
  • Migration of previously existing content on your blog to the new content hub

Examples of Content Hubs we create do for you

General information about this project you need to know


Average project duration

49 business days


Full price

15,000 USD


Support available in

en / pt

Ion Theme

We deliver high performing interactive experiences and our interactive content programs are focused on achieving your content goals.

Choose your product

Expert projects built with Visually

Consulting services that provides brand new Digital Marketing strategies built to attract, delight and engage the audience.

Choose your solution

Buyer Persona and Journey Mapping

Have full clarity on the profile and behavior of the audience you are writing content for.

What will you be able to with this project

  • Delight your audience with a cohesive communication strategy
  • Design an accurate, data-driven persona for your strategy, based on real-life data gathered in interviews and surveys with your current client base
  • Understand your client's journey towards and beyond purchase and their expectations in each stage
  • Prepare to be more assertive in your content strategy through an in-depth understanding of your audience's content consumption behaviors and preferences

What is included in this project

  • Analysis of your current audience data available (Google Analytics and CRM)
  • Up to 5 interviews with real-life prospects and clients
  • Design of 1 quantitative survey questionnaire (to be sent to client base)
  • Development of up to 3 personas, based on the analysis of quantitative and qualitative data
  • Development of the buyer journey of each persona, including pain-points, digital touchpoints and channels used in each stage

General information about this project you need to know


Average project duration

57 business days


Full price

7,500 USD


Support available in

en / es / pt

Voice and Tone Guide

Ensure every content piece you publish reflects your brand's essence and style.

What will you be able to with this project

  • Communicate with your audience using the same voice and tone across all your channels
  • Find an effective way to communicate and connect with your audience without losing sight of your brand's essence 
  • Standardize communication guidelines with your audience in different channels 
  • Support content development using the same  brand's Voice and Tone

What is included in this project

  • Up to 4 interviews with client’s internal team to define brand’s essence
  • Analysis of up to 3 competitors' content strategies with a focus on language and communication styles
  • Analysis of client's current messaging and positioning online, on the blog and in up to 5 different social media channels
  • Voice and tone guide, with editorial guidelines for blogging and social media to be used by the client

General information about this project you need to know


Average project duration

30 business days


Full price

7,500 USD


Support available in

en / es / pt

Content Audit and Strategy

Evaluate your content strategy and get an expert prescription on how to improve it.

What will you be able to with this project

  • Have clarity on how your current content strategy is doing when compared to your competitors   
  • Identify main opportunities and improvement points to tackle in content development
  • Get ideas on how to repurpose existing content and which topics to invest on

What is included in this project

  • Analysis of up to 3 competitors' content strategies
  • Audit of the content pieces available on the client's blog
  • Strategy development with suggested SEO tactics to use, topics to cover and content repurposing opportunities
  • Prescription report with suggested content categorization framework (pillars and sub-pillars)
  • Insights on positioning, assets available, channels used, and SEO best practices deployed

General information about this project you need to know


Average project duration

31 business days


Full price

7,500 USD


Support available in

en / es / pt

Ion Theme

We deliver high performing interactive experiences and our interactive content programs are focused on achieving your content goals.

Looking for something tailored to your needs?

Our highly-skilled team of experts is ready to plan, design and execute strategies tailored for your business. Please be sure to reach out to our sales team to request an assessment for your tailored project.

Talk to an expert